James Richardson

I am currently an FNRS fellow doing a PhD under Prof. Adriaenssens (Princeton) and Prof. Philippe Bouillard at the Université Libre de Bruxelles in Brussels, Belgium. I studied applied mathematics at the University of Cape Town and structural engineering/architecture at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the Technical University of Eindhoven and in 2008 received the Brussels prize for Architecture. My research focus is on structural optimization, discrete and continuum topology optimization, optimization under uncertainty, and optimization of large-scale structures. I am also interested in industrial applications of structural optimization.


Richardson, J.N., Coelho, J., Bouillard, P. and Adriaenssens, S. (2014).‘Grid Shell Topology Optimization: Design of steel grid shell canopies. in ‘Shells for Architecture: Structural form-finding and optimisation’, Taylor and Francis.

Richardson, J.N., Coelho, R.F., Adriaenssens, S. (2013).‘Robust topology optimization of truss-like structures with random loading and material properties: a multi-objective perspective.’ In: Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (submitted).

Richardson, J.N., Coelho, R.F., Adriaenssens, S. (2013). ‘A unified stochastic framework for robust topology optimization of continuum and truss-like structures.’ In : Computers and Structures (submitted).

Richardson J.N., Adriaenssens S., Bouillard P, Coelho R. F. (2012).‘Asymmetry in discrete topology optimization’. In: Computers and Structures (under review)

Richardson J.N.,Adriaenssens S., Coelho R.F., Bouillard P., (2013).  Coupled form finding and grid optimization approach for single layer gridshells’. In: Engineering Structures, 52, pp. 230–239, DOI 10.1016/j.engstruct.2013.02.017

Richardson J.N., Adriaenssens S., Nordenson G, Labarenne R, Coelho R.F., (2013). Flexible optimum design of a bracing system for facade design using multiobjective Genetic Algorithms.’In: Automation in Construction. DOI 10.1016/j.autcon.2012.12018

Richardson J.N., Coelho R.F., Bouillard P., Adriaenssens S. (2012). ‘Symmetry and asymmetry of solutions in discrete and continuous structural optimization. In: Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. DOI 10.1007/s00158-012-0871-8

Richardson J., Adriaenssens S., Bouillard P., Coelho R.(2012). Multi-objective topology optimisation of truss structures with kinematic stability repair.’ In: Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation. (DOI) 10.1007/s00158-012-0777-5.

Richardson, J.N., Adriaenssens, S., Nordenson, G., Coelho, R.F., Laberenne, R (2014). ‘Design of a museum facade bracing system for changing performance requirements using multiobjective optimization’, ASCE Congress 2014, Boston, USA (accepted).

Richardson, J, Coelho R, Adriaenssens S (2013).‘Robust topology optimization for 2D and 3D structures using a spectral stochastic finite element method.’ 10th World Congress on Structural Multidisciplinary Optimization, Florida, USA.

Richardson J., Adriaenssens S., Bouillard P., Coelho R.F. (2012). ‘Asymmetry in discrete topology optimization’. CST2012 The Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Richardson J N, Filomeno Coelho R, Bouillard P, Adriaenssens S. (2011).  ‘Multicriteria Topology Optimization of Discrete Structures with Kinematic Stability Repair’ In A G Malan, P Nithiarasu, and B D Reddy, editors, Second African Conference on Computational Mechanics – AfriCOMP11 Cape Town, South Africa.

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