Serguei Bagrianski

I am pursuing a MSE degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering. I have a Bachelor Degree in Engineering Science (specializing in Infrastructure) from the University of Toronto. My research goal is to produce a precast, segmental approach to thin shell concrete structures. This approach requires a design process that is considerate of both form and construction; a good shell must not only be structurally efficient, but must also be inexpensive to build. This balance allowed past masters – Nervi, Candela, Isler and the like – to produce incredibly elegant works of structural engineering. Today, thin shells are not built because this balance does not exist.  With increases in labor costs in the 1970s, old methods ceased to be competitive, and little was done in terms of innovation. Since that time, new form-finding techniques and better precasting technology have been introduced. By working with proven ideals and modern technology, I think it is possible to make thin shells concrete structures competitive once more.


Bagrianski S., Adriaenssens S.,(2012).’New numerical algorithms to facilitate a precast, segmental approach to thin shell concrete structures.” IASS-IACM 2012: 7th International Conference on Computational Mechanics of Spatial Structures., Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Huang T., Krupka M., Bagrianski S., Adriaenssens S., Wagner S. (2011). ‘Shaping mechanically coupled assemblies of dielectric elastomer elements’.2011 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, USA.

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