Katharine Schassler

I’m a soon-to-be junior in the CEE department interning in the Form Finding Lab. I started with this group in June 2019 and will be here for the summer, with support from the Princeton Environmental Institute. My interests in engineering research include thinking transformatively about ways in which scientists and engineers can challenge hierarchies of knowledge within our design and practice. Last summer I worked as a research intern in the Earth Dynamics Research Group at the Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU. I’m excited about the storm surge barrier project because coastal flooding needs solutions in the form of a dynamic design that is least inimical to the Hudson River ecosystem. My work will be building towards identifying a suitable location for the storm surge barriers and begins by compiling and mapping datasets specific to the region. I am also gaining qualitative understanding on how to propose a project such as ours, what factors to consider in a cost-benefit analysis, and what types of solutions have been proposed for the region.

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