Andrew Rock

I received my B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2016. While there, I configured an Honors Thesis under the guidance of Professor Arwade, who was himself a Princeton Undergraduate. My thesis involved the experimentation and analysis of an emerging type of porous material: aluminum foam. The central goal of this exploration was to test the effect of pore sizes on the structural foam’s ability to absorb kinetic energy.

I joined Professor Adriaenssens’s Form Finding Lab in the fall of 2016, as a first-year graduate student pursuing a Masters in structural engineering. While still related to finding optimum methods for completing structural tasks, my interests have shifted to form rather than the material makeup. I look forward to cultivating these interests, as I begin my Master’s thesis in the spring of 2017, with a focus on adaptability of pneumatic barriers subject to static and dynamic surge loads.

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