PRESENTATION: IASS shells, nets, membranes

Here they are:

L. Coar, M. Cox, S. Adriaenssens, L. de Laet, ‘The design and construction of bending active framed fabric formed ice shells utilizing principle stress patterns’, in IASS 2017: Interfaces, Hamburg, Germany, 2017.

S. Gabriele, S. Adriaenssens, V. Varano, G. Tomasello, ‘Modal funicularity of shell structures’ in IASS 2017: Interfaces, Hamburg, Germany, 2017 .

A. Niewiarowski, S. Adriaenssens,R.M. O. Pauletti, K. Addi ‘ Cable net systems under dynamic loading: an overview of appropriate numerical modeling techniques’ in IASS 2017: Interfaces, Hamburg, Germany, 2017.

T. Michiels, S. Adriaenssens, J.J. Jorquera-Lucerga ‘ Form Finding of Shells in Earthquake Zones’ in IASS 2017: Interfaces, Hamburg, Germany, 2017.

R.M. O. Pauletti, S. Adriaenssens, A. Niewiarowski, V. Charpentier, M. Coar, T. Huynh, X. Li’ A minimal Surface Membrane Sculpture’ in IASS 2017: Interfaces, Hamburg, Germany, 2017.